News and papers

Witeklab joins the industry 4.0 node  of DFactory Barcelona

Witeklab joins the industry 4.0 node of DFactory Barcelona

The Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona (CZFB), continues its drive for industry 4.0 with the incorporation of Witeklab to its business ecosystem in DFactory Barcelona, the main industry 4.0 node in Southern Europe. The signing of the...

How does corrosion occur in concrete structures?

How does corrosion occur in concrete structures?

The most common damage in concrete structures is not due to chemical attack on the concrete itself, but on the steel that makes up the reinforcement. The concrete provides the steel with sufficient alkalinity to prevent corrosion, but the...

What is Corrochip about?

What is Corrochip about?

Witeklab's groundbreaking CORROCHIP system allows the detection and evaluation of corrosion processes in steel embedded in concrete. Thanks to Corrochip, it is possible to monitor the structure in the long term and to anticipate the...

WITEKLAB applies for the Product Award 2022

WITEKLAB applies for the Product Award 2022

WITEKLAB has submitted its remote monitoring of corrosion in reinforced concrete structures to the ARPHO Product 2022 Award. This work was carried out in the port of Mahón (Menorca) where corrosion is one of the most worrying problems...

WITEKLAB, new member of ARPHO

WITEKLAB, new member of ARPHO

The Association for the Repair, Reinforcement and Protection of Concrete, ARPHO, welcomes its new member: Witeklab. Witeklab is a pioneering technology consulting company in the telecommunications, electronics and embedded computing...