Witeklab, with the product “Underground precise pipe localization” TRENCHIP, has been the winning project in the GALILEO satellite category in the GALILEO MASTERS CATALONIA CHALLENGE, where 29 projects have participated.

Galileo Masters 2020 Prize Winner distintiuThis award involves participating in the Galileo Awards promoted by the European Commission and going directly to the European final which will take place in December 2020.

The award ceremony was given by Antoni Paz, CEO of KIMbcn (Knowledge Innovation Market) and Daniel Marco, Director General of Innovation and Digital Economy of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

The presentation was made as part of the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of Telecommunications Engineering organized by Telecos.cat (Electronic and multimedia-audiovisual telecommunications engineers).

* Main picture: Manel Torrentallé, CEO of Witeklab and Ignasi Cairó, CTO, receiving the award from Daniel Marco, Director General of Innovation and Digital Economy of the Generalitat de Catalunya.